
Finding a Pediatrician for Your Child

Taking care of your child's health is essential as they grow from infancy to young adulthood, so it’s important you have a pediatrician that you can trust. Choosing the right pediatrician for this important role in your child's life gives you more than healthcare, it provides peace of mind. Finding a pediatrician that you can rely on to help keep your child healthy and strong is important and can help you feel more relaxed knowing that your child has the best possible care.

Finding a pediatrician can start before your child is even born. While you’re still pregnant, you can start looking for a pediatrician who has your child’s best intentions in mind. If you belong to a healthcare plan, check the insurance plan's list of pediatricians in your area. You can also ask for referrals from friends, coworkers, or local health organizations.

Your pediatrician can help ensure your child's development is progressing normally and will make sure that they are on schedule with their vaccines. When health challenges or injuries arise, your pediatrician is there to help make informed decisions and support your child.

Your pediatrician is your partner in caring for your child, and you should feel comfortable asking questions that you may have. They’ll be able to help ease any worries that you may have.

It’s important to find a pediatrician with whom you can develop a working relationship, since they will be actively involved in helping making sure that your child is living their best life.

Plan to visit your pediatrician regularly for wellness checks and to make sure that your child is healthy and not dealing with any undiagnosed issues.

Because the relationship with your pediatrician is important and is often longstanding, it's a good idea to set up an interview to meet the pediatrician. Make sure your baby’s pediatrician is someone with whom you feel comfortable. And when your child comes in for a visit, observe the way your child responds to the interaction. Finding a doctor both you and your child feel comfortable with means you have found a great fit!

Contact our office to schedule a complimentary Meet the Doctor Visit today!